Arlington, VA | December 1, 2022 | The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
At the Mitchell Institute, the requirements for effective long-range strike options that bolster our nation’s deterrence and global security writ large have long been a focus of study. In anticipation of the December 2 reveal of the new and highly secretive B-21 stealth bomber, we have prepared a number of resources that delve into why the nation needs a modern long-range stealth bomber.
Bottom Line:
The B-21 Raider roll-out comes at a time the nation desperately needs long-range strike capability and capacity to execute its defense strategy. The B-21 is custom-made for dealing with the challenges posed by the China threat—covering the ranges inherent in the vastness of the Indo-Pacific region—and surviving. It is essential to the successful implementation of strategies and operational concepts being developed to enable the U.S. military to project power in the face of China’s anti-access, area denial challenges and constitutes the foundation of a credible and effective capability to hold any target on the planet at risk and, if necessary, destroy them promptly. This global strike capability is indispensable for deterrence and crisis management and is a fundamental pillar of U.S. military power.
Decades of Air Force Underfunding Threaten America’s Ability to Win
by Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USFA (Ret.) and Mark Gunzinger
in this report:

Affordable Mass: The Need for a Cost-Effective PGM Mix for Great Power Conflict
by Mark Gunzinger
Understanding the Long-Range Strike Debate
by Mark Gunzinger, Lukas Autenried, and Bryan Clark
Long-Range Strike: Resetting the Balance of Stand-in and Stand-off Forces
by Mark Gunzinger

U.S. Unveils B-21 Raider, the Stealth Bomber Designed to Deter China
The Wall Street Journal | December 2, 2022
Resetting America’s Power Projection Edge: The B-21
Forbes | November 30, 2022 | Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.)
B-21 Stealth Bomber Designed To Break Through China’s ‘Impregnable’ Air Defenses; Can Beijing Stop The ‘Raider’?
The Eurasian Time | November 27, 2022
It’s time to reset America’s long-range strike deficit
Defense News | November 15, 2022 | Doug Birkey
The B-21 Raider: The Indispensable Bomber
Air & Space Forces Magazine | November 3, 2022 | Chris Brunner
The B-21 Raider Stealth Bomber Will Be Worth Every Penny
1945 | October 21, 2022
Bomber Task Force Patrols Keep U.S. Adversaries On Their Toes
The National Interest | January 10, 2022