Arlington, VA | January 17, 2023 | The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Looking back at 2022,
Mitchell Institute stands proud of the work the team accomplished in 2022. The numbers speak for themselves: 13 research studies and policy papers; 39 Aerospace Nation video panels with the top aerospace leadership; and 49 podcasts delving into key air and space issues. We did this at a time when national security threats continue to grow. This means the demand for insightful, informed perspectives on air and space power stands higher than ever.
Our expert staff completed research on subjects important to developments in the air and space community, many that correspond to many of Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall’s Operational Imperatives—everything from long-range strike to technology development and integration, and ongoing modernization efforts. They engaged regularly with senior DOD leadership, members of the government, the press, our friends and allies, and the public on developing geopolitical competitions and conflict like that in Ukraine, growing Chinese threats, and the state of our U.S. Air Force. Mitchell’s contributions to the continuing development of important concepts and capabilities, like JADC2 and ABMS, will carry through into 2023.
In 2022, Mitchell institute enjoyed presenting some of its key insights and hosting national security leaders at the annual AFA Warfare Symposium in March and the Air, Space, and Cyber Conference in September. We also enjoyed hosting another West Coast Aerospace Forum in partnership with RAND, Aerospace Corporation, MITRE, and CSIS. Finally, we were honored to participate in the unveiling of the B-21 Raider in December.
Our Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence, under the direction of former astronaut and retired Gen Kevin Chilton, published multiple studies on everything from missile warning and tracking to the space domain’s role in realizing a JADC2 concept. In October, the center hosted its first annual day-long Spacepower Security Forum, with senior speakers from Space Force, wider DOD, and partner forces—its fabulous success heralds just how important these topics are to national defense, and how well that is understood through all levels of leadership.
2022 also saw us launch our new Center for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Autonomy Studies, dedicated to elevating and informing the national debate on UAVs, autonomy, and the future of conflict, under the direction of Dr. Caitlin Lee. This included conducting the first in a series of workshops and wargames on future unmanned autonomous and collaborative aircraft for great power conflict. The overwhelming response to this project is a key indicator to us and those in the department that these efforts need to be continued.
Finally, our Aerospace Advantage Podcast hit its 100th episode and remains one of the top-ranked air and space podcasts on all platforms. Thank you for listening!
As we look to 2023, the Mitchell Institute is taking on its most ambitious research and projects plan ever. Our focus remains on the topics relevant to important strategy, policy, and acquisition developments in the community. Our staff is growing, and our work is proliferating and penetrating the places and populations it’s most needed during this critical juncture in our nation’s defense. The decisions being made now will affect our safety and security for decades to come. Thank you for your continued support, and have a great aerospace power kind of 2023!
2022 Studies:

2022 Events:
Aerospace Nation:
- Lauren Knausenberger
- The Next Frontier: UAVs for Great Power Conflict | Part I: Penetrating Strike
- The Indispensable Domain: The Critical Role of Space in JADC2
- Five Imperatives for Developing Collaborative Combat Aircraft for Teaming Operations
- Decades of Air Force Underfunding Threaten America’s Ability to Win
- Ukraine: Success Demands A New Approach
- Delivering on Our Commitments in Space Acquisition with Frank Calvelli
- Achieving Operationally-Optimized Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) / Air Force Joint All Domain Command and Control
- Orbital Vigilance: The Need for Enhanced Space-Based Missile Warning and Tracking
- Launch of New Center for UAV and Autonomy Studies (MI-UAS)
- Building Alliances and Competing with China: The Imperative for UAV Export Reforms
- Understanding AFRL’s WARTECH
- Senior Leaders’ Perspective on War in Ukraine
- Gen Kenneth S. Wilsbach
- Spectrum Warfare
- Beyond Pixie Dust: A Framework for Understanding and Developing Autonomy in Unmanned Aircraft
- Secretary of the Air Force, Frank Kendall
- Maneuver Warfare in Space: The Strategic Mandate for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
- The Backbone of JADC2: DOD Satellite Communications
Spacepower Forum:
- 7th Annual West Coast Aerospace Forum
- AFA 2022 Air Space Cyber Panel: The Reality of Space as a Warfighting Domain
- AFA 2022 Air Space Cyber Panel: Air & Space Warriors Now & Tomorrow
- AFA 2022 Air Space Cyber Panel: Building Capacity Today, While Innovating Capabilities for Tomorrow
- AFA 2022 Air Space Cyber Panel: Long-Range Strike: Fielding Tomorrow’s Bomber
- AFA 2022 Air Space Cyber Panel: Manned-Unmanned Teaming: Myth & Reality
- AFA 2022 Air Space Cyber Panel: The Power of Unmanned Systems
- Nuclear Deterrence and Missile Defense Forum: RADM Scott W. Pappano
- Nuclear Deterrence and Missile Defense Forum: Dr. Peter Pry
- Nuclear Deterrence and Missile Defense Forum: David Trachtenberg
- Nuclear Deterrence and Missile Defense Forum: Barry Pavel and Matthew Kroenig
- Nuclear Deterrence and Missile Defense Forum: Modernizing the U.S. Nuclear Triad
2022 Podcast Episodes:
Selected 2022 OpEds and Essays:
Core Values and the Air Force
The Journal of Character & Leadership Development | Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.)
Empower our Space Force, just as we do for the other armed services
Defense News | Gen Kevin Chilton, USAF (Ret.)
Want air power? Then you need to buy aircraft
Defense News | Lt Gen Joseph Guastella, USAF (Ret.)
Rebuilding America’s Air Power
Air & Space Forces Magazine | Mark Gunzinger and Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.)
It’s time to reset America’s long-range strike deficit
Defense News | Doug Birkey
The Space National Guard already exists — Congress should recognize it
The Hill | Christopher Stone
A New Battle Command Architecture for Joint All-Domain Operations
ÆTHER: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower | Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.)
Want a no-fly zone? You need a modern air force first
The Hill | Doug Birkey
Ukraine makes clear the US must reconsider its one-war defense strategy
Defense News| Mark Gunzinger and Kamilla Gunzinger
Beyond Pixie Dust
Air & Space Forces Magazine | Heather Penney, Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.), and Maj. Christopher Olsen, USAF
The U.S. Military’s Force-Management Tug-Of-War
War on the Rocks | Caitlin Lee
The anti-satellite test ban must not undermine deterrence
Defense News | Gen Kevin Chilton, USAF (Ret.)
The Air Force we need now can’t be sacrificed for the force we need in the future
Breaking Defense | Doug Birkey